
What is Glaucoma and What Can Seniors Do About It?

Author: Seniorly Editor

| Posted on: January,22 | Viewed: 1928 times

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5 Tips for Seniors and Caregivers Dealing with Glaucoma.

Glaucoma, which is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States, is a disease in which the optic nerve is damaged by excessive pressure within the eye. The arrival of National Glaucoma Awareness Month each year is an ideal opportunity to review how to care for seniors who have or are at risk for glaucoma. While glaucoma can’t be cured, a variety of treatments are available to hold it at bay and retain as much vision as possible.Seniors are particularly at risk for glaucoma, and prompt diagnosis and treatment is key to helping them cope. If you’re caring for an aging parent or loved one, take a look at these facts and tips to help you care for seniors with glaucoma.What is Glaucoma and What Can Seniors Do About It?•Make Sure Seniors Get Regular Eye Exams

When you hear “pressure in the eye,” it’s natural to think that glaucoma is something you can feel. However, that’s not the case. Ophthalmologists test for glaucoma with an array of tests that include measuring ocular pressure at the cornea, testing the field of vision, and dilating the eye to examine the optic nerve. Seniors 55 and up should undergo this test every year.

•Opt for a Diet High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Intraocular pressure, that high pressure that causes glaucoma, increases with age in the United States — but, perhaps surprisingly, it decreases with age in Japan. Scientists point to the difference in Western and Eastern diets, and in particular to the prevalence of omega-3 fatty acids in the Japanese diet. Add tuna, wild salmon, and anchovies to your diet, or supplement with omega-3 fish oil.

•Stay Current With All Treatments

Many glaucoma patients take prescription eye drops to treat their condition. In addition, some oral medications can be used to treat glaucoma. Seniors who have fine motor control may need a little help aiming the eye drops successfully so that the valuable medication doesn’t end up dripping down their cheeks.

In addition, if seniors have memory problems, it’s important to help them with their medications. If glaucoma isn’t treated, the result is a permanent loss of vision. Caregivers of seniors with glaucoma must make sure medication is taken daily.

•Keep Your Eyes Open for Glaucoma Symptoms

Many seniors suffer from some sort of vision problems, but it’s important not to assume all symptoms are just due to normal aging. Remember, glaucoma typically develops without the patient being aware of the problem. Ask seniors under your care if they’re experiencing blurred vision, floaters in their field of vision. difficulty adjusting to changes in light, seeing double, and loss of peripheral vision. Even if the symptoms don’t end up pointing to glaucoma, they all require a visit to an ophthalmologist.

•Provide a Safe Living Environment.

Seniors with glaucoma have impaired vision to a greater or lesser degree, which raises the possibility of accidents around the senior community. Make sure walking areas have no obstacles underfoot, and provide plenty of lighting to help residents see as clearly as possible. Because glaucoma patients can experience extreme sensitivity to light, it’s also a good idea to establish a low-light area where they can feel comfortable.

Providing focused care for seniors with glaucoma can help keep the disease from getting worse while also enhancing quality of life. Use these tips to help preserve the vision of your aging loved ones and to help ensure their healthy life, whether they live at home or in a senior living community.

For more invaluable senior care tips click on this link.